Summer email strategies, good idea?

Your customer habits are different when the sun comes out
In Quebec, we have 4 seasons and your customers buying behavior differs according to the weather. It’s cold? They buy online! It’s raining? They past time in stores! It’s sunny, they go out…
No matter the season, your business and your brand have an existential need: to communicate with the right media.
Summer time, an opportunity to communicate differently
During summer time, television viewers take a step back since TV shows are on break. Advertisers normally do the same and tries other ways of communication such as radio. Indeed, the number of viewers decreases while the number of listeners increases. That’s right, there is nothing better than listening to the radio in the car with the windows down or to be by the pool with the radio on. In other words, your customers habits changes and you have to do the same.
As a marketing strategist, you must adapt the way you use the media. You must match your communication to the behavior of your customers and above all… continue to communicate during summer! You think there is a decrease in newspaper readers during summer time? You are probably right! However, believing that all your customers leave for Florida all summer long is a big mistake. They are still here … they just changed their habits!
Email, a good summer media?
In the past, email was to be banned from a summer communication strategy. The reason: emails had to be seen on computers. Today, it’s a “MUST HAVE” media during summer! The reason: emails are now reed on mobile device at more than 50%!
Considering that more than half of emails are read on a mobile device, your customers can hold your offers in their hands, whether they are on a terrace or at the beach! It’s inevitable! Your potential customers will continue to use their mobile phone every day during summer, to perform all kinds of actions … except calling.
Think about all the fun and entertaining features this gadget offers in the summer! A photo at the beach here, a text on a terrace there … and a quick look at emails they received! It’s simple… your emails are always at their fingertips!
Adapt your emails!
While a SMS campaign is intrusive, emails remain appreciated by your customers. If you have made a campaign to acquire subscribers the way it should be done, they will read your emails to know your promotion! Indeed, your audience will not be disappointed to receive your offers… even in summer time!
Keep in mind that you have privileged information! You have the email of your customers and the possibility to reach them more personally at anytime through their mobile phone.
Adapt your emails to the screen of a mobile phone. In addition, make sure to add dynamic information in your email. Information and design that will complement the casual and fun lifestyle of the subscribers during summer time. By doing so, you will be dedicated to success!
Go for warm colors and images that will reflect the mood of your subscribers. After all, the sun makes your customers much more likely to go out and visit your store. In short, take advantage of their positive energy instead of stopping your communications!

Jérémy Bergeron
Administrative Assistant
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Get more details on why email marketing strategies during the summer season by contacting him now! He will be able to offer you innovative and creative solutions for your email marketing campaign.
E: jbergeron@adnetis.com
P: 1-877-638-6584