Have you thought about YOGA for newsletters?

For newsletters that look good everywhere,
take a deep breath and think YOGA!
If it helps you in the literal sense of the word, that’s great… but we’re talking about Yahoo-Outlook-Gmail-Apple!
These are the most popular inboxes where your newsletter must be perfectly presented… but then again, your newsletters may not be opened in the environments you think!
Are your newsletters opened where you think they are?
Understanding your subscribers’ preferences is essential to the success of your email marketing campaigns. Among these, their choice of inbox is crucial. Why is this so?
Well… let’s assume that your database is composed of 100% Gmail addresses. Your reflex will be to make sure that the newsletter is well presented in Gmail environments, right? What if… you weren’t looking in the right place? What if… only 50% of subscribers actually check their email in a Gmail environment?
Discover the TOP 10 inboxes that are actually used to view your newsletters!
Email service provider VS email inbox

Did you know that email service provider (@gmail.com) of an email address doesn’t always reveal which email inbox is being used to check incoming emails?
In fact, just because a subscriber uses an email service provider (@gmail.com) doesn’t mean he’ll check his emails in the application linked to it. They can easily set up an email inbox to receive these emails in another application. This means you can’t know in advance where your subscribers are actually checking their email!
The answer lies in understanding inbox usage statistics. Gaining this knowledge will enable you to identify the key environments used by your audience. You can then maximize your creative efforts with the aim of creating newsletters optimized for these inboxes.
Why is it so complex?
Modern users have become experts at managing their inboxes. They can aggregate multiple email addresses into a single application, which means that your newsletter sent to a Gmail address could be viewed via Apple Mail, Outlook or even a third-party email application!
The TOP 10 inboxes

So that you can do an informed to target to right inboxes? There’s nothing better than looking at the TOP 10 most popular providers based on market share, according to Litmus*.
Not only will you notice that 2 stand out from the crowd, but you’ll also see that becoming an expert in email marketing requires mastery of the YOGA TOP 4!
Apple Mail

Data from August 2023*
Apple Mail has been widely used by Apple device owners since its initial launch in 2000.
- Its elegant interface and fluid user experience make it a popular choice for personal and professional email management.
- It’s seamlessly integrated into the Apple ecosystem, allowing users to easily synchronize their email, contacts and calendar with their other Apple devices.
When designing your newsletters for Apple Mail users, keep in mind that they value simplicity and visual clarity.

Data from August 2023*
Gmail is one of the most popular email services. Accessible from all web browsers, the inbox also has a dedicated mobile application for iPhone and Android.
- Completely free since 2004, it is one of the first modern web messaging services.
- It stands out for its many tabs, such as ” Primary ” and ” Promotion “, which help organize your emails.
Bear in mind that Gmail users have access to the whole Google ecosystem, which means they can use the various products in a synergistic way.

Data from August 2023*
Outlook is still the most popular inbox for professionals, but also for the general public holding Hotmail addresses.
- Created in 1997, its integration with Microsoft Office makes it a solid choice for communications within organizations.
- For the general public, this inbox continues to stand out for its cooperation-enhancing features.
When you’re targeting professional subscribers, make sure your newsletters are compatible with Outlook (Office Suite) and comply with corporate security standards.

Data from August 2023*
Yahoo! Mail remains popular with certain demographic groups, although it is less dominant than it was when it first launched in 1997.
- It offers a streamlined, easy-to-use email platform with an interface for efficient email management.
In August 2023, Yahoo Mail! announces the arrival of Shopping Saver, to bring marketing emails containing information such as gift cards or discounts that may have been overlooked by users, back to the front of the line.
When addressing the Yahoo! community, keep in mind that it’s often people that value simplicity. Thus, you must prevent as much as possible any complexities generated by a problematic email display.
Google Android

Data from August 2023*

Data from August 2023*

Data from August 2023*
Samsung Mail

Data from August 2023*

Data from August 2023*

Data from August 2023*
By ensuring that your newsletter is optimized for the major inboxes, you’ll take a big step forward in the art of delivering visually appealing newsletters to the vast majority of your subscribers.
Understanding which inboxes your subscribers use is essential to the success of your campaigns.
Despite what you may think, just because you have a Gmail address in front of you doesn’t mean that your subscribers is viewing your newsletters in Gmail. So go for the YOGA: Yahoo-Outlook-Gmail-Apple!
Android VS iPhone : what are the impacts?

The differences between Android and iPhone go beyond hardware!
They also affect the way marketing emails are displayed. The question we now need to find the answer to is: who is the main player when it comes to opening emails on mobile?
The answer comes as a surprise, given that in July 2022, these two mobile giants are virtually tied according to Litmus*.

July 2022*
Google Android

July 2022*
Samsung Mail

July 2022*

July 2022*
First observation: iPhone owners use Apple Mail as their inbox, while Samsung Mail is being turned away by its users, who are turning to third-party applications such as Google Android!
Does this mean that all Android owners have a Gmail address? Certainly not! Don’t forget the difference between the email service provider and the email inbox. All email addresses can be set up in Google Android.
Considering this information, we end up with a market share of 47.8% for the iPhone versus 45.9% for Android! Needless to say, it goes without saying to pay attention to their differences when creating a newsletter. However, this data does mean that to appeal to an audience using Android, the most important step is to ensure optimal rendering in the Google app before moving on to native Android phone applications.
You’d be surprised how many details, big and small, change in the display of an email depending on the operating system and application used. So, if you’re used to only viewing your newsletter on your favorite mobile inbox, change your habits, because you’re completely missing out on checking what half your mobile audience is going to be viewing!
B2B VS B2C : does the preferred inbox change?

Your target audience has a significant impact on the inboxes you used. Professionals tend to favor work-related inboxes such as Outlook, while consumers often use services like Gmail.
Indeed, while Outlook takes 4.20% of the market share in the above ranking, just over 10% of all businesses will be using Microsoft Office in 2023. Since this excludes businesses that use Outlook without the full Office suite, it’s safe to assume that your Outlook newsletter subscribers will increase considerably if you’re targeting businesses.
This difference should affect your e-mail marketing strategy. You may need to adjust the visual layout and multimedia integration of your newsletters to appeal to Outlook.
Make the right choices!

Now that we’ve explored the facts, it’s time to take action.
Here are a few data-driven tips for improving the effectiveness of your newsletters:
Get out of your own environment
Once you’ve completed your newsletters, start by checking the visual rendering in the environment where you consult your emails, bearing in mind that your subscribers are not necessarily in the same environment.
Think YOGA
Considering that it’s difficult to please all inboxes, both in terms of the visual rendering of newsletters and their increased deliverability, prioritize YOGA: Yahoo-Outlook-Gmail-Apple!
Think mobile
Adapt your newsletters to mobile, bearing in mind that Apple Mail and Google Android are the leaders.
There are experts
Team up with email marketing experts who can carry out a wide range of cross-platform tests to ensure that your newsletters look good in all major inboxes, while also increasing their deliverability.

Jérémy Bergeron
Administrative Assistant
Want professional advice?
Young and dynamic, Jérémy knows the new media and the potential of a successful email marketing campaign.
Get more details on why the TOP 10 inboxes and YOGA by contacting him now! He will be able to offer you innovative and creative solutions for your email marketing campaign.
E: jbergeron@adnetis.com
P: 1-877-638-6584