Newsletter visual: do’s and don’ts

Whether you are already sending out newsletters or just getting started, discover a few secrets!
Are you looking to delight your subscribers as soon as they open your newsletters to entice them into your sales funnel? The visual identity of your newsletters will greatly contribute to your success!
Take the bull by the horns
Email marketing is an integral part of your overall marketing and requires that you give it all the visual attention necessary to achieve your communication objectives.
Just like with your other mass media, your audience must be able to identify you as soon as they open your newsletters thanks to a style that is unique to you!
Stand out from the inbox by sending newsletters personalized to your own style!
What to do: give your newsletters their own identity

Does your company have a graphic standards guide for its communications?
If so, it means you have put in the effort to create a branding that should be respected, even in your newsletters!
What is the difference between branding and visual identity?
Branding is the set of “intangible” assets of a brand. It is how you manage and control your visual identity. Your branding therefore includes your visual identity.
Visual identity
It is the graphic representation of your brand that translates into a set of visual layouts that compose your style. Your visual identity is governed by your branding.
Take inspiration from your website
Think of your newsletters as something different from the other emails you send out. They are the culmination of your digital communication strategy.
Let’s review the typical layout of your communication funnel:
- Website
- Newsletter
Just like your social media and traditional media campaigns, your newsletters must respect your visual identity. There must be a close correlation between all your communication media!
In other words, you should use your website as an inspiration to create a graphic template for your newsletters because everything is linked. If you change your website, you must also change your newsletters!

Propel your colors
You should respect your graphic standards in your newsletters, both in terms of the layout of your logo and the color tones. Subscribers must recognize your style, which is linked to your visual identity!
Here are some elements to integrate in your newsletters:
Typography: refer to professional integrators to use your typography in accordance with the numerous constraints of inboxes.
Icons: transpose your shapes into your newsletters to homogenize the final product with your website.
Images: use the images from your campaigns in your newsletters for maximum success.
Do not create newsletters in a vacuum!
Create your newsletters with the same care as your website. Think about all the features of your campaign that will remain constant between each communication. This way, you will respect the visual identity of your brand and your contacts will recognize you as soon as they open the newsletter!
What not to do: think it is child's play

Change for the better!
We would like to tell you that creating impactful newsletters is simple, but email marketing has evolved!
Do not work alone, surround yourself!
In the age of Google, Facebook and Mailchimp, it is easy to believe that you will be able to easily climb mountains, but in reality… it is harder to meet certain quality criteria.
Do you do your own TV ads? No… why not? You could do them with the camera of your smartphone, yet you do not! So why do you do your own newsletters?
Our experience allows us to guarantee that if you work alone, you will not be able to effectively propagate the visual identity of your brand. Get a head start by surrounding yourself with the right people and be patient!
If you want to get the most out of this targeted media, you will need to surround yourself with professionals to propagate your brand’s visual identity and consequently reach your communication objectives.

Francis Sauvé
Multimedia strategist
Want professional advice?
Email-based communication strategies are no secret to this email software specialist. Whenever you have questions about emailing strategies or how to get to a certain design goal, he his there to handle the situation.
Get more details on how to efficiently create newsletter visuals by contacting him right now! He will be able to offer you innovative and creative solutions for your email marketing campaign.
C : fsauve@adnetis.com
T : 1-877-638-6584