2023 trends

The email marketing trends to watch in 2023!
We sometimes forget, but email is older than the Internet itself. However, the communication techniques associated with newsletters continue to evolve. And for good reason! Being one of the major marketing conversion channels, newsletters are expected to generate revenues of nearly 11 billion worldwide by the end of 2023.
Will you be able to stand out with the help of our 2023 trends guide?
The content of your newsletters
Here we are. the post-pandemic era has begun. You know it because your own consumption habits have changed. Like after a war, it is in this confusion that we evolve, modify our habits, and embrace new virtues.
With isolation and labor shortages, your consumers are not only less patient but also less inclined to follow you towards your communication goals. Your newsletters must quickly grab their attention while clearly conveying your intentions.
You will need to immerse yourself more in the minds of your consumers by using perfectly illustrated content tempered with concise texts! Let’s take a look at what will be in vogue in 2023 to charm these new consumption habits…
Deploy the visual identity of your brand
In 2023, consumers still identify with brands, but they are less loyal than before. They prefer what they know but are more open to change. It is important for them to easily recognize your brand across all media platforms. Your brand’s visual identity should be consistent throughout all your campaigns, including newsletters.
How to exhibit your identity in your newsletters:
The right experts: hire real experts in newsletter design to translate your identity into all your newsletters.
The right platform: use an email delivery platform that allows for seamless integration of your campaign’s visual identity without technical constraints.
Personalized newsletters: just like your other communication channels, your newsletters should be aligned with your overall campaign, ensuring consistency throughout.

Use trendy colors
You should refresh the visual identity of your newsletters annually. Take a gradual approach to avoid destabilizing your engaged audience too much. Elevate your colors and dare to explore different styles that align with your overall visual identity.
What colors to use in 2023:
The color of the year: use “Viva Magenta”. This powerful and stimulating red crowned as the “Color of the Year 2023” will be present in many designs this year. Will you be able to use it wisely?
Color palettes: define your color palette and stick to it. Keep your graphic standards intact and add only one complementary color this year.
White in the spotlight: clean and minimalist newsletters will continue to be trendy in 2023. The use of white will contribute to maintaining this balance.
The simplicity of your newsletter designs
The term “newsletter” will lose more of its “letter” aspect in 2023. It will make way for more promotional emails rather than informational ones. Simple illustrations will embellish the inbox and captivate the reader’s eye while focusing the message on the essentials.
How to simplify your newsletter designs:
Simple illustrations: revamp your newsletters by using unique photos or illustrations in modern designs. Find the heart of your message and present your concept in a clean setting.
Eliminate the excess: this year, remove everything that is unnecessary for conversion in your newsletters.
Homogenization: modern websites use wide spacing between different elements for a clean look. Apply the same principle to your newsletters. Do not try to fit everything on the screen!

Apply text compression to your content
If you missed the boat when it comes to reducing text in your newsletters, it’s not too late to get your ticket for 2023! This year, your contacts will receive an average of 130 emails per day, which will reduce the time spent on reading newsletters to 51 seconds for those that are opened.
How to reduce text in your newsletters :
Newsletter composition: in 2023, you will need to compress your texts to the maximum to capture the attention of your subscribers so that they focus on the essentials. The ideal length of text is between 50 to 125 words. Yes, it’s very short, but so is the attention span of your contacts.
Landing pages: write short introductory texts that point to landing pages where the full content is available.
The calls to action in the spotlight
In 2023, you should build each of your newsletters with the calls to action in mind. Each email should include, at a minimum, one (1) link to your website. This link should be prominently positioned, in a different color, and well-written to maximize its click potential. After all, you send out newsletters with the intention of prompting your subscribers to take action, right?
How to properly position your calls to action:
Where to place your links: your links (CTAs) should be displayed in the first 1/3 of your newsletter. Avoid clustering your links together. Like the rest of your newsletters, calls to action should have sufficient spacing.
How to label your links: terms like “Discover,” “View,” or “Explore” are recommended as the primary choices for your calls to action. The URL should not be displayed directly.

Francis Sauvé
Marketing director
Want professional advice?
Email-based communications strategies are no secret to this email software specialist. Whenever you have questions about emailing strategies or how to get to a certain design goal, he his there to handle the situation.
Get more details on the email trends of 2023 by contacting him right now! He will be able to offer you innovative and creative solutions for your email marketing campaign.
C : fsauve@adnetis.com
T : 1-877-638-6584