Newsletter accessibility

Newsletter accessibility starts with plain text.


The most basic form of newsletter is plain text, or if you prefer… the TEXT version.

When you lay out your newsletters with images, titles and buttons… you’re working on an illustrated version made possible by the HTML language behind your creation.

When you’re creating a newsletter, you’ll also need to think about the technical aspects… including accessibility, which is made possible by its basic form.

HTML vs TEXT version, ever heard of?

The versions don't compete with each other, they complement each other!

When creating newsletters, you don’t have to choose between HTML and plain TEXT. Just create both versions in the same newsletter and let the technical magic happen!

What is the HTML version?

If you are using a newsletter editor, you are creating an HTML version. In the background of your visual layout, HTML is created. Modern inboxes understand your newsletters designs and shows images and layout accordingly.



What is the TEXT version?

The text version is a bit like writing a personal email. In fact, it’s more like a text message. Plain text with no text font size, no highlights and no typeface. It’s the straightforward, homogenous, flapless version… that makes your newsletter accessible!



Please note!

  • When you write a personal message without images, you’re still creating an HTML email.
  • You need to find the specific place to create the text version in your newsletter editor, if available.

Is plain text version a thing of the past?

Right away, no... it's still relevant.

Unless you’re email geeks like us, you’ve probably never considered that there could be two versions of a newsletter. It’s understandable, as the text version is as old as the Internet itself.

If you’re over 35, you may remember the first emails you received on your Pentium. Back then, spammers, the undisputed kings of Viagra smuggling, would send you a staggering quantity of emails in TEXT format. Just text… with a link.

Thankfully, those days are gone, but… the basics remain the same. Whether you’re sending a colorful newsletter or just text, you’re sending a message. And it’s this message that will be analyzed by spam filters or even voice assistants.

Nowadays, the text version enables the artificial intelligence (AI) of the various accessibility tools to better understand the essence of the message you’re communicating. To our question, yes… unequivocally, the practice of the text version is still very much alive. Its benefits have simply changed!

What are the advantages of the text version?

A small gesture in the background

As you can imagine, you’re not going to start sending out TEXT newsletters tomorrow morning. But we do hope that you’ll take a moment to optimize the accessibility of your newsletters in your HTML newsletter.

Here are a few advantages to convince you to go behind the scenes:

1. Deliverability maximization

Considering that spam filters analyze the structure and content of newsletters, the text version improves your overall deliverability.

Here’s why:

Furthermore, institutional filters (government, banks, etc.) don’t always let newsletters through, but will forward the text version.

2. Promoting accessibility

When we talk about accessibility, we’re not just talking about people with special needs, but about a whole range of technological tools.

Creating a text version opens a number of doors:

Alternative tags (ALT) and titles (TITLE) in the HTML version increase the accessibility of a newsletter, but the pinnacle is reached through plain text.

3. Protecting confidentiality

Privacy and security are now major issues. Filters are getting tougher because of the global volume of newsletters.

Here are some of the impacts in certain inboxes:

A plain text version of the newsletter increases deliverability, as it offers an alternative to the complex HTML of illustrated newsletters.

What are the effective techniques for optimizing accessibility?

Create the TEXT version after the HTML version

As soon as you get into the habit of filling in the text version of all your newsletters, you’re already ahead in the game! You’re doing more than most of your competition.


Unifying HTML and TEXT content

Once you’ve completed the HTML version of your newsletter, create the TEXT version. Not before!

Both versions must be identical. Differences can be perceived as phishing attempts.

If you change words or links in one version, unify them.


Master the space

Even if you’re only working with text, keep the TEXT version in order with a certain visual logic.

Use carriage return between paragraphs and headings, and use line to divide sections.

Experiment with symbols to delimit your text.


Optimize your links

Make sure you use the same links between your versions. Think about redirects… they can be misleading.

Long links can be shortened with shortners such as bitly for better readability.

Make sure all links in the HTML verison are included.

Francis Sauvé

Marketing director

Want professional advice?​

Email-based communications strategies are no secret to this email software specialist. When ever you have questions about emailing strategies or how to get to a certain design goal, he his there to handle the situation.

Get more details on newsletter accessibility and plain text  by contacting him right now! He will be able to offer you innovative and creative solutions for your email marketing campaign.

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