Mobile is killing emails?

Ain't because it's old that it's over!
Mobile phones are killing residential phones, but not emails. Email marketing might be 40 years old, but we still use it today to communicate with potential customers. And guest what, customers read them. Email is part of every imaginable activity that people do with their smartphone. In short, it’s a new era for email!
Raise your hand if you do not have a smartphone!
We can’t deny it! Mobile is an integral part of our lives. Always at our fingertips, we use it for all kinds of purposes. By the way, you can make a call with that thing you have in your hand! Using various applications, making online purchases with special discounts, watching a movie and controlling household appliances ensure that we can no longer detach ourselves from this tool that facilitates our daily lives.
We all make our special used out of mobile device but what about the main uses that your customers does?
Here is the TOP 5 in Canada in 2017 (third trimester) :
- Email and texting (SMS)
- Video
- Road map (GPS)
- Games
- Finances
Data confirm it … we always use our phone to communicate, but we communicate differently! We text when it’s private, and we email when it’s more formal or complex.
Your emails are read on desktop or mobile?
More than 50% of emails are now viewed on a mobile device. In other words, your email marketing campaigns are as much read on desktop than mobile which represent a new era for this type of communication. This said, you must optimize your newsletters to be mobile friendly.
The Apple iPhone (29%) and Gmail (27%) remain the most popular environments for reading emails. The majority of all emails are read by one of these providers with a combined market share of 56%.
In short, all service providers now offer more user-friendly applications for reading mobile emails. If they see the potential of email, we marketers see it too!

Ghislain Bergeron
CEO, Data analyst
Want professional advice?
The management of database is no secret to this software developper specialist. Email delivery analysis comes easy with a 30 years experience in software development.
Get more details on why mobile is not killing email by getting in touch with her right now! He will be able to offer you customized solutions to your business needs.
E: gbergeron@adnetis.com
P: 1-877-638-6584