Email readers want quality, not quantity

eMarketer estimates that nearly nine in 10 US internet users will send an email at least once per month
AYTM Market Research found that about two-thirds of web users in the US subscribed to emails from brands. But are they reading the ones companies send them? TechnologyAdvice research conducted in March 2015 found that while 60% of US adult internet users read marketing emails, just 16% did so regularly, and only 12.8% read more than half of the ones they received.
Taking a quality over quantity approach is key for email marketers looking to outshine the inbox competition. When asked how businesses could improve their email efforts, nearly 44% of internet users said sending less emails would help. Meanwhile, nearly half wanted more informative content or personalized offers.
Given the number of irrelevant messages respondents received, it makes sense that they were calling for email marketers to quit clicking the send button so often and put more time into tailoring content. Nearly half (49.1%) said they received irrelevant emails every day, and an additional three in 10 got them every week. In comparison, just 8.4% never did.

Marketers risk having their emails stamped with the dreaded spam tag if they don’t take note of consumers’ preferences. Fully 45.8% said they flagged emails as spam if businesses sent messages too frequently, and more than three in 10 did so due to irrelevant content.
Better segmentation and targeting should help email marketers serve relatable content to recipients instead of constantly blasting out general emails, and December 2014 polling by The Relevancy Group found good news when it came to this. Among US marketers, improving segmentation and targeting ranked as the top email marketing priority for 2015, cited by 35%. Similarly, one-third wanted to put their analytics to better use in order to optimize communications.

Ghislain Bergeron
Data analyst
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