A consent campaign to effectively manage your rights to send emails

A consent campaign is an excellent strategy to obtain express consent before the expiry date of your implied consents. When doing this type of campaigns, you privilege your future marketing efforts on real potential customers.
What kind of campaign do you need?
You are probably aware that to can send emails to your customers even if they didn’t give you explicit consent. Thus, you must apply an expiration date (24 months after their last purchase) on your communication for this email address. The same for people who ask information about your products and services (6 months). You surely can build a great relationship with those implied consents, but eventually, you will lose your rights to communicate with them.
You might be in this situation
You’ve been doing email marketing for a while and your database is well stocked! You’re just learning about CASL and it all seem complicated. You have a ton of contacts who have never agreed to receive your newsletters, which puts you at risk for complaints… then you need to contact a specialist to look at how you are going to adapt you strategy to comply with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).
Some implied consents expire soon?
If you have all the information in order to identify what type of consents you have for your subscribers, you must apply an expiry date for implied email addresses. Furthermore, you should launch an aggressive consent campaign aimed at implied subscribers before their reach their time!
There are all kinds of strategies in order to convert implied consents into express before a subscriber reach a deadline. You should communicate with an email market5ing expert to see what’s the best option! At DNETIS, we are specialists in email consents campaigns and will be able to assist you with your CASL effective management.
Automated consent campaign
From the time you have implied emails consents, the CASL inquires you to have a expiration communication date. In marketing, your goal should be the transform those implied consents into explicit consents. To do so, you should count on email automation to enable you to continue to communicate with your subscribers.
ADNETIS remembers the expiration date of all your subscribers, you can resume your three messages, and ensure that at the time you choose, for example 30, 15 and 5 days before expiration, the implied subscriber receive an email reminding them that he will stop receiving your emails if they don’t confirm their interest.

Ghislain Bergeron
CEO, Data analyst
Want professional advice?
The management of database is no secret to this software developper specialist. Email delivery analysis comes easy with a 30 years experience in software development.
Get more details on how a consent campaign can help you gain control over your rights to send emails to you implied subscribers by getting in touch with her right now! He will be able to offer you customized solutions to your business needs.
E: gbergeron@adnetis.com
P: 1-877-638-6584